Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How do you sign up to sign up people for gigs e.g be one of the people with mailing lists outside the gig? x?

My friend does it and it's costing me a fortune going along to gigs, but she refuses to give me the site names.
How do you sign up to sign up people for gigs e.g be one of the people with mailing lists outside the gig? x?
next time you go ask one of the other people. You may want to do a search on street teams and some of the major record labels. sorry don't know much about it good luck anyway.

Why is e.g.free2rhyme@yahoo.com under my sign in name on the log in page for Yahoo mail?

It's giving an example of what you are supposed to write there. "free2rhyme@yahoo.com" is an example of a Yahoo! ID. e.g. means "for example" from Latin "exempli gratia." It is just showing what you are supposed to put there. Just like "example@yahoo.com" or "example@example.com." It's nothing to worry about. It's only for help, not harm. :)
Why is e.g.free2rhyme@yahoo.com under my sign in name on the log in page for Yahoo mail?
I was just about to email that same question because I JUST noticed it on my computers and I thought maybe someone was tapping into my emails....WEW!!!.... Report Abuse

Reply:the funny thing is, I've had that email for 6 years now, maybe more, and all of a sudden its showing up on the example. Although mine has a few numbers at the end, people still try to email me, and i get random *** emails, like Gay matchmaker telling me i havent finished registering for their site. Report Abuse

Reply:its just giving you an example of what to write in the box i guess.... that idea is so dumb lol
Reply:idk that happened to me today also

Why is my yahoo account acting up? (e.g.) It won't let me sign on to read my mail...and my home page changed?!

聽聽聽If you are able to sign into anything else Yahoo! (like Messenger for example) then the problem is most likely just a temporary one with Yahoo! Mail itself.

聽聽聽If your homepage has changed to a different looking Yahoo! page it's because Yahoo! is testing a new format on random users. It will revert back to the original page in a few days. If you hate it, there should be a link to allow you to give feedback about the new format, tell them all about why you don't like it.

聽聽聽You can try deleting your cache, the whole delete the temp files and cookies thing, that may get rid of it briefly for the time being.

聽聽聽Personally I like the new format, I think the layout is better. Besides, it's only the generic Yahoo! page that's affected, if you'd have bothered taking the 3 minutes necessary to set up your own "My Yahoo!" page and set it as your home page then you'd have never known anything was different.
Why is my yahoo account acting up? (e.g.) It won't let me sign on to read my mail...and my home page changed?!
You didn't say what your homepage changed to, nor did you say if you could get to the sign-in page at all and not just get a warning after you enter an incorrect password, (try signing in to Yahoo Messenger, for example, to check) but it sounds like you have some spyware on your system. Do a spyware scan (you can use Ad-Aware from http://www.lavasoft.de/software/adaware/ ) and get rid of the bad stuff on your system.

Hope that helps!

My Ex-G.F.change my password on my yahoo account & I cant access on my e-mail anymore.how can I get it back?

you should have security questions that you set up when you set your account up. If she didn't change all those, then you can get back in that way. Otherwise, I think you might be out of luck.
My Ex-G.F.change my password on my yahoo account %26amp; I cant access on my e-mail anymore.how can I get it back?
Live and learn..next time NEVER tell anyone your password to any account.
Reply:1) Never tell people your password.

2) You should know the answer to your secret question. If you don't it looks like you want to hack someones account.

3) Forget about trying to get into someone elses account. You can't, it doesn't work and people a lot smarter than you have already tried and failed miserably. You would need to be a professional hacker to get past yahoo security.

4) Take my advice.

Reply:Maybe you can e-mail yahoo %26amp; tell them what happened. Maybe there's a record of what the prev pw was... If there is, you can prove to them that you know what the secret Q is, what the A was, %26amp; also all the personal info like what your first %26amp; last name said %26amp; your DOB, addy, etc. Good luck!
Reply:You won't be able to unless you have the password...be more carefull next time don't tell her or your new g.f your most secure info
Reply:contact Yahoo and tell them you need to change your password and secret question
scientific name

Is james blunt g&y if he is and u know his e-mail tell him to die or sing better i bet 10c/ hes gay?

if he is tell him i hate him
Is james blunt g%26amp;y if he is and u know his e-mail tell him to die or sing better i bet 10c/ hes gay?
hes gay
Reply:I don't like James Blunt especially his singing
Reply:Grow up. That's high school mentality. The guy is gay because you hate him. Please. Don't listen to his music if he upsets your life that much. Don't sweat the small stuff.
Reply:Do you really think he cares, kid? Grow up.
Reply:well i heard on TV that he was dating this one female model....................
Reply:why does it matter? If you don't like him, then don't listen to his music. Simple. Done. Goodbye.
Reply:More like middle school mentality...
Reply:y do u think he's gay
Reply:yea hes gay
Reply:he has a girlfriend and why is his sexual orientation such big source of stress for you?
Reply:I hate james blunt he sings in a rlly stupid way..makes me wanna punkch him and tell him 'Be a Man'
Reply:I can hardly be accused of having something against Gay people but he gets on my nerves too.

A woman here asked if his album was any good.My answer was,listening to James Blunt is almost as fun as exploding firecrackers out of your 篓ss while someone pokes your eyes out with a hot sharp piece of metal
Reply:He's not!
Reply:Why would you hate James Blunt because he is gay? While I don't approve of homosexuality, you should not hate any person. Such words are very strong, man. And you don't even know him, I'm guessing. How can you hate someone you don't know?

What makes you think he's gay anyway?
Reply:whyd u post this? i dont care who u hate why would i care
Reply:He's not gay. He is actually dating a super-model.......

E-mail with attachments are not going thru they show that they are sent but the receiver states they are not g

They are not going thru to other mail only to yahoo mail
E-mail with attachments are not going thru they show that they are sent but the receiver states they are not g
check your address contacts see if they are open to check if not you need to add them in.when you have done this try again. let us know if it worked.good luck
Reply:if you are not using a compression program, the attachment may be too large to send.

User can't get on the Internet, she can't get to her drive G: and she can't get her e-mail.?

User says she says she can't get on the Internet, she can't get to her drive G: (a network drive pointing to a specific file server), and she can't get her e-mail.

Shortly after you hang up the phone, the phone rings again with a different user experiencing similar problems.

All tests on the network show that the network is fine. All routers are responding, servers seem to be OK, but you can't seem to access any of them with their NetBIOS name or domain name.

Sounds like a DNS server. So you check the DNS server to find that it is functioning properly. Since you don't utilize WINS, that certainly isn't the problem.

What could be causing this problem? Why would more than one person have a similar problem?
User can't get on the Internet, she can't get to her drive G: and she can't get her e-mail.?
Can anyone who's having the problem access things by IP address? If yes, you have a DNS problem. If not (more likely) your network is broken. Whether that's a hardware or software problem is difficult to say without knowing the network.

Are you using virtual LANs? Has anyone been working on the patch racks? Something broke, probably shortly before the first trouble call.

If you don't have on-site techs or an on-call consultant, you have a big problem, since trouble-shooting a network problem like that from inside the server room is difficult enough - doing it by remote control is holding your left elbow in your left hand without breaking your left arm - and doing it remotely, and behind your back with both eyes closed.