Saturday, November 7, 2009

What volume of the US Auto insurance market is sold "direct"? e.g. internet, phone, mail(not via local agents)

The Auto insurance market has historically sold policies via local agents: either "independent" agents (e.g. they sell several brands) or "captive" agents(e.g. the sell only one brand). There has been a great deal of media focus on growth in the volume of policies sold via the internet (with no agent involvement) or via the phone to a call center. Insurance providers GEICO and Progessive are leaders in this method.

I am looking for actual data on what was sold in a recent year (2005, 2006, or 2007) using these direct methods, for the entire auto insurance industry.

-$ volume of policies sold

-volume of policies sold

-% of policies sold
What volume of the US Auto insurance market is sold "direct"? e.g. internet, phone, mail(not via local agents)
Someone in the world has the information your looking for, unfortunatly It's going to cost you some $$ to get it.

Groups like PCI, NAIC %26amp; III have people who gather insurance filings from all fifty states and create reports. But unless you're a member of their organization or pay for the reports, you'll have to gather bits and pieces from various places like media reports:

From raw data I've seen, direct writers account for around 20% of the personal auto insurance market. However a significant % of premium written by Progressive %26amp; GEICO (the #3 and #4 largest personal auto insurers) are written though their agency force.

Good luck in your search.
fantasy name

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