Saturday, November 7, 2009

Why will Yahoo not allow me to put pictures into the main body of my E/Mail e.g. Christmas themes?

After all outlook express allowed me to do this last year with my old E/Mail address, and my old ISP
Why will Yahoo not allow me to put pictures into the main body of my E/Mail e.g. Christmas themes?
I have used the forms listed below and was very pleased with the quick response and helpful information I received back from Yahoo. To avoid having to send back a reply, go into as much detail as possible so they fully understand the question or problem you are having with Yahoo Mail:

This is the form to use if you are experiencing errors or problems with your Yahoo e-mail account such as not being able to send or receive e-mails, e-mails ending up in your Bulk Folder, not being able to open or add attachments, etc.:

If you have a general question about how to use a particular feature of Yahoo e-mail, use this form:

To report someone who is harassing you through Yahoo e-mail or abusing Yahoo e-mail by spamming or sending out e-mails which try to get personal information from you such as your social security number, ID, or password as well as lottery and banking scams, use this form:

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